Renewable co-op REPOWERBalcombe installs energy-saving lights at Imberhorne school

REPOWERBalcombe, the Sussex renewable energy Co-operative, has provided a grant of £11,075 from its Community Benefit fund to install 158 new LED fittings and 18 PIRs (passive infrared sensors) at Imberhorne School, in East Grinstead, East Sussex.
- This is predicted to conserve more than 19,500 kWh of electricity a year – a saving of over £2000 a year for the school.
- There will also be money saved on maintenance, as LED bulbs last much longer than traditional fittings. This saving over the longer lives of the fittings is estimated at over £2000.
- The LED lighting is being installed one year after REPOWERBalcombe installed 50kWp of solar PV on the Imberhorne sixth form building. This has generated over 43,000kWh of green electricity in its first year.
- The LED fittings and PIRs were fitted by the school premises staff.
REPOWERBalcombe is looking for further school sites to generate solar energy, save energy with LED fittings, and at which to install batteries to store renewable energy.
For further information, contact Tom Parker on 07552 777173