AGM at Balcombe 9th April 2022
We are currently planning this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held at 11:00am on Saturday 9th April 2022 at the Bramble Hall, Bramble Hill, Balcombe, West Sussex RH17 6HR. Refreshments will be available from 10:30am, subject to Covid. If it manages to go ahead, we will be attempting to broadcast the meeting on Zoom.
Details of joining the board or submitting motions for the AGM are included below.
Further information will be sent to members in the Annual Report which will be sent at least 2 weeks before the meeting.
Tim Green, who as well as being a local resident and Repower Balcombe director is also Professor of the Energy Futures Lab at Imperial College. He will give a presentation on our energy transition to a zero carbon future.
The Board look forward to meeting you at Bramble Hall in April.
With best wishes,
Annette Heslop MBE, Company Secretary
Submission of motions
REPOWERBalcombe is managed by our members, and you can submit notices of motions for the AGM for the board to consider and potentially include on the AGM agenda. If there is a motion that you would like considering please submit it to the office by email to to arrive no later than 26th February 2022.
Board Nominations
All members of REPOWERBalcombe are very welcome to apply to join the board. The board currently consists of five members; Tom Parker will retire by rotation and will be seeking re-election. There are therefore three vacancies and members are encouraged to put themselves forward for election.
Note: There are around four Board meetings per year usually held by telephone conference, plus the AGM and any other activity started by the Board. The co-op welcomes applications from anyone willing to make the effort to attend regularly and to participate fully.
If you are interested in joining the Board, please submit a short profile of yourself explaining to members what experience you can bring to REPOWERBalcombe. Please email to to arrive no later than 26th February 2021. All profiles received will be confirmed upon receipt by email.